The Garden of Goodness - Season Two

I was pretty stoked with how things went last year, establishing a decent sized beach garden.

After giving everything a good clear out during winter and a hoe, it looked like the soil was still really good quality, thanks to the trailer loads of Daltons Garden Mix, I added one more trailer load of goodness into the garden and raked that over. I’d also been adding quite a few fish scraps and frames into the garden over the last year to fertilise it. The passionfruit in just one season had taken over the whole fence - just crazy!


This year I got into it a lot earlier, planting most of my veges likes lettuce, Broccolli and Cauliflower in July, and then adding a much bigger patch of tomatoes into the mix later on.

More pea straw kept the garden largely maintenance free and moist over summer, things went really wild this year, and I probably had even more goodness from the garden!



Some of the first goodness to get harvested was the Broccoli which grows a bit faster than the cauli’s.

Cooked the same day it gets harvested - you don’t get much fresher and healthier!


Broccoli, finely sliced up and thrown in the wok, is a great paleo and ketogenic alternative to rice - this is a superb way to serve up a meal packed with goodness!


One of my favourite veges to match all the seafood we catch at Provider, is cauliflower. It is such a versatile vege, there are so many ways to cook it, cauliflower fried rice and cauliflower puree would have to be two of my favourites.


Cauli puree with scallops - divine!!


Or smash out a stir fry with other goodness from the garden like freshly grown spinach!



Key to a good beach garden - stacks of herbs! One of my favourite ways to cook kingfish, is seared in sesame seeds with a salse verde, packed with stacks of fresh herbs from the garden!
